Swiss Trusted List of trust service providers and their services

Trusted lists are essential elements in building trust among electronic market operators by allowing users to determine the qualified status and the status history of trust service providers and their services.
The Swiss Trusted List allows users of certification services and interested parties to determine the qualified status and the status history of trust service providers and their services.
The Swiss Trusted List includes information related to the qualified trust service providers (TSPs) which are recognised and supervised in Switzerland, together with information related to the qualified trust services provided by them, in accordance with the relevant provisions laid down in the Federal Act of 18 March 2016 on Electronic Signatures (SR 943.03).
The Swiss Trusted List includes only recognised TSPs and only their services that meet the requirements (see section Rules for assessment of the listed services below).
The Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS) is responsible for publishing the Swiss Trusted List.
The Swiss Trusted List is available in a machine-readable format (XML) via the following link A human-readable list (PDF file) of recognised TSPs is available on the webpage